Course Description

As a researcher, having your study published in an international peer-reviewed journal is key to ensure career progression and increased credibility in a specific field of research. It is through this channel that your research becomes visible to others, encouraging discussion and furthering knowledge. However, identifying the right journal to submit your manuscript to is becoming increasingly challenging as the number of journals continues to grow at a rapid pace.

In this course, we will be focusing on the following issues:

  1. Importance of journal selection for researchers
  2. Understanding industry practices & tools for journal selection
  3. Evaluating journal quality
  4. Identifying appropriate target audience and readership
  5. Awareness of journal policies
  6. Checklist of important points for journal selection

At the end of the course, you will be able to differentiate between traditional, open access, and hybrid journals. You will also have better awareness of industry practices and important tools that can be used for journal selection. Finally, through this course, you will be able to identify predatory journals and avoid falling prey to incorrect publication practices.

ex-COO, Ingenta

Ms. Louise Russell

With more than 15 years experience in publishing, Ms. Russell has played the crucial role as  the ex-SVP, Scholarly Division at Ingenta. Whilst at Ingenta, she was also instrumental in developing platforms such as the Ingenta Connect and pub2web. As an (ex-) General Manager at Kudos, she was part of the core team that launched the platform in 2013.  She was also the Chair of Professional Development Committee, ALPSP, and consulted for BMJ, F1000, and Kudos.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Choosing the Best Journal (Free Trial)

    • Chapter 1: Importance of Journal Selection (Text + Audio)

    • Chapter 2: Industry Best Practices & Tools (Text + Audio)

    • Chapter 3: Evaluating Journal Quality (Text + Audio)

    • Chapter 4: Readership and Target audience: Finding the Right Journal (Text + Audio)

    • Chapter 5: Understanding Journal Policies (Text + Audio)

    • Chapter 6: Checklist for Journal Selection (Text + Audio)

Choosing the Best Journal (Free Trial)